AI-Enhanced Credit Research Support to Fixed-Income Trading Desks


Evalueserve provides credit research support to fixed-income trading desks of a multinational bank based in Canada. Our partnership led to better insights, accurate and timely updates, and efficient load management during peak time periods.

The Challenge

The client needed a proficient and reliable team to support its analysts in the US and Canada. Seeking a solution that would ensure high-quality output and deliver consistent results, they sought Evalueserve.

Our Solution

Evalueserve has been working with the bank since 2006, providing dedicated and shared pool support. A team of 5 full-time equivalents (FTEs), equipped with AI-powered tools, is devoted to the project and delivers overnight support from India and same-time support from Chile. The team assists the client’s analysts with credit research by executing the following tasks:

  • Building Models and Tear-Sheets: creating and updating models and tear-sheets, including financial spreading, building forecasting frameworks, and writing qualitative sections such as company descriptions and cap tables.
  • Tracking News Flow: Monitoring daily news flow related to the industry and companies as well as preparing pro forma for any M&A activity.
  • Updating Comp Sheets: Reexamining comp sheets on a quarterly basis.
  • Maintaining KPI Stats: Keeping track of key performance indicators (KPIs) for various sectors.
  • Preparing Earnings Summary: Preparing comprehensive summaries of earnings reports.

Business Impact

Through their partnership with Evalueserve, the client can streamline credit research operations and maintain its competitive edge in the dynamic financial market landscape. Our team ensures consistent, quality output with key benefits including:

  • AI-Enabled Solutions: Evalueserve experts utilize proprietary technology solutions to accelerate research and provide enhanced insights. 
  • Stable Talent Pool: Access to a trained, stable talent pool with an average tenure of associates with the onshore team exceeding 6 years.
  • Flexibility of Support: Option of overnight and same times support from multiple Evalueserve offices in different time zones.
  • Peak Load Management: Effective management of peak loads by the Evalueserve team using the shared pool of resources.


Our research support empowers the client’s fixed-income trading desks, facilitating efficient tracking of marketing trends and sector-specific analysis. With access to Evalueserve’s stable and experienced talent pool backed by cutting edge technology, the client is assured of continued high-quality credit research support to drive its operations forward.

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