Assessment and Tracking of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Portfolio Companies for a Large Asset Manager


Our client is a diversified global investment management firm having ~US$35 bn of assets under management across various funds. Our client wanted to launch new ESG funds for European investors. For this, the client wanted to track current and prospective portfolio companies on various economic (E), social (S), and governance (G) parameters using a prioritization framework. The client also wanted to continuously monitor portfolio companies as required by the SFDR, SEC, and other ESG regulations.

The Challenge

Our client faced numerous challenges related to global standards and ESG, and a lack of ESG talent and expertise further exacerbated regulatory reporting requirements and taxonomies. We helped the client to set up a coherent and centralized program that delivered timely insights to companies across multiple sub-sectors and geographies regularly.

Our Solution

We deployed a 360 advanced intelligence program powered by our AI-enabled digital solution, Insightsfirst, and backed by our domain experts.

  • Domain experts – They created a prioritization framework to assess material issues and a normalized rule-based scoring framework to score companies across E, S, and G parameters. The team also identified underlying risks and opportunities, helped improvise the AI engines, and added business context on top of the insights collected from the AI platform.
  • Insightsfirst – This AI-driven platform provides a scalable way for our clients to track controversies, business conduct, and best practices for their portfolio companies using taxonomies and custom tags.
  • Knowledge solutions via domain experts
    • To help meet SFDR Article 8 requirements, Evalueserve developed a custom framework and a data model to assess ESG performance and targeted a deep dive into ESG themes, topics, and controversies. The model assessed material issues of companies and divergence.
    • We collected ESG parameters holistically and also provided support on topics of engagement, review markers for future updates, and fund recommendations regarding whether the company should be included in an ESG portfolio.
    • Our domain experts added business context and industry know-how to the intelligence program. Evalueserve analysts optimized the AI engines of the platform by providing inputs on relevant keywords and news sources.
  • Insightsfirst opportunity radar (ORAD)Evalueserve leveraged the Insightsfirst platform to help monitor and provide timely insights to keep clients abreast of E, S, and G-related developments. It ensured the client met the regulatory requirements of continuous monitoring of portfolio companies.

    Key deliverables

    • Real-time and multi-lingual monitoring of global public listed companies using client-specific taxonomy and tagging
    • Real-time tracking of ESG developments and controversies of over 200 companies
    • Swift discovery of risk controversies, opportunities, and best practices through an interactive and intuitive dashboard
    • A central repository of intelligence insights and deliverables to re-use and disseminate relevant intelligence

Evalueserve's ESG Solutions for Asset and Wealth Management

Business Impact

  • Increased efficiency by up to 60% using a hybrid program model that leveraged AI and in-house SMEs.
  • Improved scalability in insights curation through a proprietary platform, with the flexibility to expand coverage universe multifold easily.
  • Reduced time to market due to actionable insights collected by in-house domain experts.

Talk to One of Our Experts

Get in touch today to find out about how Evalueserve can help you improve your processes, making you better, faster and more efficient.  
