Home Appliance Company Grows eCommerce Sales by >10% with Digital Analytics

A major home appliance company found itself navigating complexities across many different areas of operations. Recognizing the pivotal role of data-driven insights in addressing these challenges, the appliance company sought support in:

  1. Revamping its business intelligence infrastructure,
  2. Streamlining digital analytics efforts to improve user experience on its various websites, and
  3. Optimizing supply chain and manufacturing operations.

The Challenge

Evalueserve’s data analytics services and solutions were endorsed by the home appliance company’s Analytics Center of Excellence (CoE) and its Chief Information Officer (CIO).

We were then brought on for several projects that all revolved around the home appliance manufacturer’s desire to harness the power of data more effectively – to make better decisions, improve eCommerce performance by enhancing user experience on their website, and address operational efficiency and supply chain issues.

Business Intelligence

The home appliance company had a large number of obsolete business intelligence (BI) dashboards, which caused technical debt and hindered BI adoption within the organization. Navigating which dashboards to use was complex and unclear.

The home appliance manufacturer had no data cataloging system in place, so if a user wanted to examine a particular Key Performance Indicator (KPI), they would create another dashboard, creating even more clutter.

The home appliance manufacturer wanted Evalueserve to declutter and transform its BI environment, making it easy to use, streamlined, standardized, and impactful, facilitating better decision-making.

Digital Analytics

Historically, the home appliance company has mainly used a B2B2C model, selling directly to home builders and through home improvement stores such as The Home Depot and Lowe’s. However, in recent years, they have been trying to grow their direct-to-consumer (DTC) eCommerce business, as they see higher profit margins and can collect more information on their end customers.

To facilitate the goal of growing eCommerce sales, the home appliance company wanted to streamline and combine data from several different data sources relating to their digital assets. The client hoped to identify ways to improve user experience on their website by better understanding user journeys through this data integration.

Supply Chain & Manufacturing

The appliance company had issues with its inventory not being in the right place at the right time. They were encountering both stock-outs and overstock situations in various locations. The client wanted to receive end-to-end supply chain diagnostics to identify areas where data could improve efficiency and supply chain operations.

Our Solution

Business Intelligence

Evalueserve’s experts interviewed stakeholders across numerous functions at the appliance company – finance, supply chain, marketing, commercial category management, and more – to learn which dashboards were being used and which were not. Our team also examined usage metrics.

Evalueserve discovered that only about 150 of the client’s 2,000+ dashboards were being used. We used those findings to reduce the number of dashboards down to 139.

Our team added BI and data governance layers to ensure the continued quality, consistency, security, and usability of the dashboards and data. Evalueserve created and maintained a centralized data catalog, which serves as a comprehensive reference point for understanding the client’s available data and dashboards. Additionally, we implemented an access control structure so that users have particular roles and permissions. One reason for implementing this access control structure was to limit the number of dashboards created.

Digital Analytics

Evalueserve began a transformative digital analytics project to enhance the home appliance company’s online presence and website user experiences. Our experts conducted an audit of the client’s web assets and built out analytics to be shared with the client’s team about what users were doing on their website. There were three main parts of this engagement:

  • 1

    Customer Experience

Evalueserve combined both quantitative and qualitative data sources regarding user experiences on the client’s websites. We synthesized data the client had from tools including Contentsquare and Adobe Analytics to gain a more holistic understanding of user experiences, identifying pain points and areas for improvement.

  • 2


A vital element of our work for the home appliance company was rigorously testing various site features and analyzing their impact on user experience and conversion rates. We meticulously tested the site’s layout, content placement, and functionality, measuring the results to assess what was working and what was not based on the web analytics data.

  • 3

    Building a Data Mart

We established a robust data mart encompassing all digital touchpoints. We created a holistic view of user journeys on the client’s websites by stitching together data from disparate sources such as Adobe Analytics, Contentsquare, and Salesforce. Thanks to the data mart, the client can track a specific user’s journey on their site: What are they looking at? Where are they running into points of friction? The client can now segment user journeys and even view the most reliable pathways to conversion. This seamless integration has given the client a deeper understanding of user behavior, allowing them to optimize their website accordingly. The overarching impact of this initiative is that the client is now able to use this data mart as the foundation for personalization.

Supply Chain & Manufacturing

We began the engagement by interviewing stakeholders across all supply chain functions, from sourcing to delivery. Based on what we learned in the stakeholder interviews, Evalueserve created an end-to-end map delineating current supply chain processes, systems, data, and decision points.

Subsequently, we assessed gaps between existing processes and industry best practices. This analysis allowed us to pinpoint specific analytics use cases poised to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the client’s supply chain. Ranking these use cases based on their potential impact and alignment with identified gaps, Evalueserve provided the client with a prioritized roadmap of analytics use cases. This comprehensive roadmap empowered the home appliance company to drive tangible improvements and realize operational and supply chain excellence.

Business Impact

The collaboration between the home appliance company and Evalueserve yielded significant business impact across multiple fronts, catalyzing a data-driven transformation across the entire organization.

  • Business Intelligence

Reducing the number of BI dashboards from over 2,000 to 139 enabled the client to break free from obsolete dashboards and technical debt. That reduction, alongside the implementation of a centralized data catalog and access control structure, simplified navigation and facilitated faster access to critical insights. These standardized, impactful dashboards paved the way for more data-driven decision-making.

  • Digital Analytics

Our comprehensive approach to digital analytics ushered in a new era of online excellence for the client. From 2022 to 2023, the home appliance company saw a >10% increase in eCommerce sales. Our digital analytics work on improving the user experience and identifying the most effective pathways to conversion, which began in July 2023, directly led to this remarkable improvement.

  • Supply Chain & Manufacturing

Our end-to-end diagnostic of supply chain and manufacturing operations proved instrumental in identifying and addressing critical inefficiencies and bottlenecks. Evalueserve equipped the home appliance company with a prioritized roadmap of analytics use cases to improve supply chain efficiency and effectiveness and solve the gaps causing inventory issues.

Talk to One of Our Experts

Get in touch today to find out about how Evalueserve can help you improve your processes, making you better, faster and more efficient. 

Overview & Impact

The home appliance company's collaboration with Evalueserve led to data-driven transformation, simplified dashboards, and enhanced supply chain efficiency.

> 0 %

Increase in eCommerce Sales

0 %

Reduction in BI Dashboards
