AI Innovation Intelligence for Manufacturing Giant


A global equipment manufacturer for the construction waste processing industry identified the next steps for enhancing their product and technology portfolio using Insightloupe’s trend analysis doing innovation intelligence. The platform allows users to identify technology development hotspots using outputs of research results for technology trends, top players and market movements in each waste recycling process step. Furthermore, it gives users complete control of the impact of industry changes and offers insights for strategy development. 

The client efficiently assessed the impact of changes in the business landscape. The client saw dynamic results that provided a clear and comprehensive understanding of the strategic impact of each risk factor, like the usability of existing technologies, waste value chain changes and competitive threats. The client has a clear view of the impact on its existing product line, defines the strategic innovation process, and keeps the technology development process aligned with industry changes through regular updates received through Insightloupe. 

The Challenge

The construction waste processing and recycling industry constantly evolves due to technological advancements, regulation changes, and increasing environmental concerns. Companies in this sector must keep pace with these changes to remain competitive and relevant. In this context, the risk of obsolescence is a significant problem for product lines. The client was concerned about declining market share, reputation damage, increased costs, and difficulties with investment attraction. 

To mitigate this risk, equipment manufacturers for the construction waste processing industry must consider the following strategic steps for innovation intelligence:

Continuous innovation

in line with changes in the industry, collaboration and partnership, adaptability and flexibility, market movements and customer engagement.

Identifying the value

of each impact of industry changes could help stay ahead of the competition and be relevant to the new norms of the industry changes.

Our Solution

Innovation Intelligence

Due to the risk of the client's product line needing to be updated to be aligned with industry advancements, the client hired Evalueserve to understand the pros and cons of existing technologies and identify technology and competitors with dynamic output using Insightloupe.  

Insightloupe features a powerful analytical engine module that combines the results of the Innovation Intelligence investigation to create charts and provide insights that help answer users’ questions. Users can quickly obtain the desired outcomes to improve their solution or plan their subsequent investigation by selecting the research parameters. 

Insightloupe is a platform that centralises all innovation studies, making them readily available and shareable. It also includes an integrated collaboration tool, enabling users to work collectively on innovation projects. Organise and label the studies to result in a clutter-free data source. As a result, it improves the decision-making process by giving decision-makers a unified platform of reliable data and insights and a means to collaborate with others on innovation projects. 

Business Impact

The client received a comprehensive analysis of how the construction waste processing and recycling industry has evolved and the technological advancements needed to keep up with it. This knowledge enables our client to assess the direction its R&D efforts should take to keep up with industry changes. Consequently, the client can make informed strategic decisions and adapt its business to remain competitive in the changing market landscape. 

With Insightloupe, the client can now build a proactive, anticipatory strategy replying to industry changes, getting them early market share. 

Talk to One of Our Experts

Insightloupe is a data-driven innovation solution using curated intelligence, benchmarking and interactive reports for risk management, landscaping & IP monitoring.
