Publishing Support for a Swiss Investment Bank


Evalueserve has assisted the US & EMEA offices of a renowned investment bank headquartered in Switzerland with publishing support since 2008. Our team helps the client streamline product reviews and format reports, leveraging our global offices to provide immediate assistance.

The Challenge

The client needed a reliable partner to handle editorial and publishing tasks. Prior to our partnership, the client had been relying on in-house resources. They, however, faced challenges with meeting demands and tight deadlines associated with coverage reports, pre-deal investor education reports, and distribution monitoring. 

Our Solution

Evalueserve stepped in with a seasoned team of 5+ full-time equivalents (FTEs), including 4 FTEs with a CS team tenure of 10+ years. Our collaboration extended across multiple locations from Evalueserve’s India and Chile offices. The team provides publishing support covering various services encompassing:

  • Reviewing and Formatting Initiations of Coverage: Handling both single and multi-stock initiations of coverage reports and strategy pieces.
  • Reviewing and Formatting Pre-Deal Investor Education Reports and Distribution Monitoring: Adhering to strict IPO deadlines and sending full and redacted drafts to external counsel.
  • Editing Large Year-End Outlook Pieces: Managing documents of more than 200 pages on various industries and themes.
  • Accessing Internal Client Systems: Supporting review functions and scheduling reports.
  • Interacting with Supervisory Team: Ensuring smooth editorial and production processes. 


Business Impact

Our robust publishing support system led to the following benefits:

  • Same Time and Partial Overnight Support: Utilizing multiple Evalueserve office locations to provide uninterrupted service.
  • Streamlined and Detailed Review: Offering quick and comprehensive responses for reviews of equity research products.
  • Support for Various Types of Reports: Catering to both longer-shelf-life reports and shorter reports with immediate deadlines.  



Evalueserve’s partnership with the Swiss investment bank significantly enhances its editorial and desktop publishing capabilities. Our dedicated team, with extensive experience and a comprehensive approach, ensures that clients meet their needs with precision and timeliness.

We introduced efficiencies in their review and publication process, aligning with their global strategies and contributing to their pursuit of excellence.

The success of this collaboration reflects our commitment to providing tailored solutions that empower clients to achieve their goals in an ever-evolving financial landscape and investment banking world.

To learn more about our investment banking solutions, click here:

In addition, click here to learn about one of Evalueserve's publishing and content recommendation tools, "Publishwise": 
