Transforming Customer Experience for Leading Logistics Company


Our client, the market leader in their logistics domain, faced the critical challenge of enhancing their customer satisfaction scores. Despite their dominant market position, there was a recognized need to not only boost customer satisfaction but also to increase customer lifetime value and reduce churn rates.

From Discovery to Strategy Development and Beyond

Phase 1: Understanding and Improving Customer Satisfaction

Our project kicked off with an in-depth discovery workshop that brought together essential stakeholders. The goal was to define what customer satisfaction meant to them and explore analytics use cases across key pillars – customer experience (contact center), pricing, network planning, and inventory management, among others.

Once the goals were understood, we began to address the inefficiencies in customer operations reporting by developing a single source of truth, enabling the creation of multiple adaptable customer reports. This solution was designed to be flexible, catering to various timeframes and client-specific needs.

A suite of new reports was crafted for each customer in Power BI dashboards, which significantly streamlined their executive team’s presentation and data-sharing process thanks to its enhancement of UI/UX and overall report performance. The migration to Power BI dashboards was part of a broader strategy to cultivate a robust, data-centric culture within the organization. This migration to Power BI was a noteworthy shift in the client’s journey to make critical strategic decisions with confidence.

By automating calculations and refreshing data for new reporting periods, we standardized metrics, reduced the time spent on manual report generation, and introduced data standardization across different corporate functions. We gained insights into customer sentiments, needs, and expectations through cognitive analytics, including advanced text and conversation analytics from call center interactions. This approach allowed us to pinpoint opportunities to improve customer engagement strategies. We leveraged these insights to recommend actionable initiatives to increase customer lifetime value and boost overall satisfaction.

Phase 2: Strategy Identification and Roadmap Design

Expanding on our insights into customer satisfaction trends, we focused on uncovering strategic opportunities for innovation and differentiation. We used detailed market and customer analysis to identify 150 use cases across emerging trends and technological advancements that could redefine our client's market position and service portfolio.

We assessed each use case for its feasibility, potential impact, and alignment with our client's strategic objectives using our CRUISE Framework and Analytics Maturity Assessment for benchmarking. Based on this assessment, we formulated and presented a five-year strategic roadmap, which acted as a blueprint for the logistics company to evolve its service offerings and enhance customer engagement.

Phase 3: Operational Efficiency and Cost Optimization

Our collaboration extended into optimizing the client's operational efficiency through network and warehouse optimization alongside yard simulation exercises. Our expertise in logistics and analytics was crucial for identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks. By employing predictive analytics and simulation models, we were able to refine routing procedures, enhance warehouse workflows, and improve yard management practices.

The significance of these improvements extended beyond operational adjustments:

  • Efficient route optimization improved fuel consumption and delivery times and reduced overall carbon footprint, contributing to more sustainable operations.
  • Streamlining warehouse operations reduced inventory management time and minimized error risk, leading to more reliable service delivery.
  • Improved yard management minimized delays and optimized the use of space and resources.

Evalueserve helped the client leverage analytics to improve operational processes and meet business objectives in a sector with tight margins and evolving customer needs.

Phase 4: Fostering Employee Retention Through Optimized Benefits

Recognizing the critical link between employee satisfaction and service quality, we started including employee analytics to source retention strategies, particularly through the lens of benefits optimization. Our analysis looked at usage patterns of insurance plans, employing data analytics to identify underutilized or overly costly options. We then crafted tailored recommendations to realign and enrich the benefits package, ensuring it met the workforce’s diverse needs while optimizing costs. This approach bolstered employee satisfaction and increased retention, directly enhancing the company's ability to continue improving customer satisfaction.

Our Approach

Our collaboration with the logistics leader focused on implementing robust data governance and leveraging advanced analytics to directly enhance their operational and service delivery capabilities. Quarterly reviews and regular project monitoring ensured swift issue resolution and adherence to cost and delivery schedules, contributing to a disciplined and transparent project management culture.

By facilitating workshops and strategic planning sessions, Evalueserve helped the client envision and execute innovative solutions that improved customer lifetime value and reduced churn. Our dedicated team of data scientists and analysts provided the client with the tools and insights needed for data-driven decision-making, which led to identified revenue opportunities of $22 million and cost savings of $963 million. The technical initiatives, such as migrating data infrastructure to Azure and adopting modern BI tools, streamlined processes and improved on-time delivery by 3.8% year-over-year, demonstrating a measurable enhancement in their operational efficiency.

Business Impact

  • Enhanced Customer Satisfaction: Through targeted improvements in NPS and customer engagement strategies, we elevated the overall customer experience.
  • $22MM in Strategic Opportunity Identification: The identification and implementation of strategic use cases, guided by a forward-looking roadmap, positioned the Logistics Market Leader as an innovator in customer-centric service delivery.
  • $963MM in Operational Cost Savings:  Evalueserve provided trailer forecasting for 500 prioritized lanes (origin/destination combinations) and helped the logistics company improve its resource (trucks, drivers, people, etc.) allocation. With our work in that area, the client achieved a 3.8% year-over-year improvement in Linehaul On-Time delivery.
  • Employee Engagement: Optimizing employee benefits bolstered retention and fostered a culture of loyalty and commitment.

Our engagement with the logistics market leader exemplifies the transformative power of integrating customer analytics with strategic planning and operational excellence. By placing the customer at the heart of their strategy, our client not only reinforced their market leadership but also set new standards for customer satisfaction and operational efficiency in the logistics industry. This journey from analytics to action underscores the essential role of data-driven insights in shaping future-ready strategies and achieving sustainable growth.

Talk to One of Our Experts

Get in touch today to find out about how Evalueserve can help you improve your processes, making you better, faster and more efficient.  
