Big 4 Advisory Firm Streamlines Sector Intelligence and Improves Insights Collection and Dissemination Through Insightsfirst

The Challenge

A Big Four Advisory Firm is no stranger to developing new systems and methods for its clients. Given their global presence and rapid pace of market development, their sector teams were being stretched to make quick decisions without adequate and timely access to data and insights.

The Firm had trouble making timely decisions since they couldn’t strategically track what their key accounts/clients were doing and what the firm leadership was focusing on. There was no central location to store and analyze market trends, and research was being done by segmented teams. 

Efforts to uncover information were duplicated. Without the ability to see a trend analysis from all information on a single platform, their decisions were based on anecdotal reasoning rather than structured market analysis.

The key stakeholders at this Firm wanted to stay abreast of what is happening in their sectors of focus and have conversation starters with their key accounts and prospects. They needed an automated system to be able to share relevant information to keep relevant stakeholders in the company informed.

Our Solution

A focused program was initiated to assist the client team and sector leads to stay abreast of what was happening in their sector.

Evalueserve’s Insightsfirst platform and domain experts created a localized center of intelligence. This intelligence hub provided sector leads and client teams with the following updates and insights:

Market Watch:

  • Timely updates on emerging themes and patterns
  • Insights divided into sub-sectors, focus areas, investment areas, etc.

Account Intelligence:

  • Timely updates on key accounts in each section
  • Benchmarking of accounts against each other, based on the sub-sectors they fall in
  • View of investments and capabilities that key accounts are focusing on to grow their business
  • Focus and challenges of the C-suite and executive teams
  • Track competitor movements

For the Firm, the Insightsfirst platform was tailored to track 40 competitors across various sub-sectors such as High Technology, Software & Cloud Computing, Digital Platforms & Marketplaces, Pharmaceutical, Medical Devices, Insurance, etc.

For each company that was tracked, weekly updates across multiple themes were summarized on the dashboard. These themes ranged from Disruption & Innovation to C-Suite Challenges & Focus Areas. A total of 5 different themes were tracked and summarized each week for the Firm. The themes were further broken down into sub-themes to provide more precise data and intelligence for the Firm.

The platform also included benchmarking charts that were updated on a quarterly basis. These charts tracked total revenue, growth rates, operating KPIs, margins, valuation, etc., on competitors in the specified sub-sectors. It also tracked sector-specific KPIs such as market share, revenue per user, and churn rates. Other sector-specific and company-specific KPIs were added along the process at the request of the Firm.

Opportunity Radar:

  • Track opportunities based on triggers that map the company’s service offerings

Insightsfirst Key Features

Key Components of Insightsfirst

Curated Sector Intelligence

Flexible and Adjustable Dashboard of Intel

Analyst Commentary and Spotlight

Opportunity Identification

Business Impact

Through Insightsfirst, the Advisory Firm identified and adapted to changes within their sector and their clients’ sectors. They were able to integrate timely insights and self-service capabilities, generated by AI and domain experts, for actionable and informed decision making. As a result, collaboration was enhanced, information is now easily accessible across multiple teams, and those teams can deep-dive into the most relevant information needed for future business decisions.

They were able to see:

  • Timely insights delivered to knowledge teams
  • Targeted insights and news that is tailored to their requirements
  • Achieve single-version of the truth across multiple teams
  • Flexibility to deep-dive into specific topics quickly through “Ask the Analyst” feature

This led to:

Improved stakeholder


Improved efficiency

to access information on trends

Improved relevancy of

conversation starters with key accounts
